Energy management provides the most efficient use of energy by applying smart engineering solutions.

Reducing the energy costs per Product-Service-Square meter in the facilities is achieved through energy management.

Energy management is the prevention of unnecessary energy consumption without sacrificing product quality, safety, or environmental concerns.

While energy needs are gaining importance worldwide, it is necessary to develop renewable, sustainable, safe, and effective energy solutions for energy resources in order to meet the need. In this regard, our aim is to provide solutions in the following points with our product family.

Energy Monitoring

Measurements and recorded information in processes. These are followed by performance reports. In addition, processes are controlled by using data and other information to improve energy efficiency in processes.

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Energy Management

Monitoring Methods

* It covers many areas such as meters, water administrations, highways, and GES.

Energy Data Collection

The first step of the energy management system is to collect real-time and always-available data. It takes its data sources from the fields mentioned above.

Energy Reporting

The purpose of the monitoring system is to collect useful information. The purpose of reporting is; present accurate and true information to customers as usable.

Energy reports prepared in the norm to meet the demand in the enterprise may be sufficient. It is a general rule that people dealing with energy work are fed with reports.

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Energy Management